Monday, February 7, 2011

G321 Coursework

The following Powerpoints have been used in G321 coursework lessons with Miss Peacock:
G321 Film Opening v Film Trailer

Choosing the Film Genre and Audience

Choosing the film genre


Certification and the film genre

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cover work for Friday 10th December

Dear all,

I am very sorry I cannot be with you today - however, please attempt the ETHNICITY question (Hotel Babylon) and ONE of the exam questions below.


Make sure you are specific and detailed when analysing the piece and giving examples. For example: In the scene set in the stately home, the man sits on the floor, whereas the lady sits on the chair. This connotes the male as the weaker sex as he is physically lower than the female. This is representing the sexes in a completely non stereotypical light as males are stereotypically seen to be the stronger sex (both physically and mentally) whereas females are the weaker.

These Essays should be handed in on TUESDAY 14TH DECEMBER. They will be marked and handed back by Thursdays lesson!

So far the following essays should have been handed in:
One of the essays from below (if you followed the instructions on your email!)
Ethnicity - to be handed in on Tuesday along with one of your choice from below:

Attempt one of the exam questions below, and hand write your answer timing yourself for 45 minutes only. Try one of the exam questions that you think you could improve on, rather than the ones that come easiest to you....

Please attempt at least one of the exam questions below and hand in on MONDAY 6TH DECEMBER 2010 IN MR CLAYDON'S LESSON!!!!

Social Class:

Exam Question for social class:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Class 2 G322

Extract for Social Class:

Exam Question for Age:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Age 2 G322

Exam Extract for Age:

Representation of Gender:

Exam Question on Gender:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Gender G322

Exam Extract on Gender:

Representation of Regionality and Class:

Exam Paper for regionality and class:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Regional Identity 2 G322

Exam Extract for regionality and class:

Click here for the extract (watch on You Tube)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Case Study - Working Title Films

I found this on the internet - think it may be helpful if you want to include working title in there! It's a REALLY good case study!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Representation of Ethnicity

Here is the Powerpoint for Ethnicity:

Representation of Ethnicity

Here is the exam question for ethnicity:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Ethnicity G322

The exam video:

Monday, November 29, 2010

Cover work for Thursday 2nd December 2010

Attempt one of the exam questions below, and hand write your answer timing yourself for 45 minutes only. Try one of the exam questions that you think you could improve on, rather than the ones that come easiest to you....

Please attempt at least one of the exam questions below and hand in on MONDAY 6TH DECEMBER 2010 IN MR CLAYDON'S LESSON!!!!

Social Class:

Exam Question for social class:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Class 2 G322

Extract for Social Class:

Exam Question for Age:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Age 2 G322

Exam Extract for Age:

Representation of Gender:

Exam Question on Gender:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Gender G322

Exam Extract on Gender:

Representation of Regionality and Class:

Exam Paper for regionality and class:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Regional Identity 2 G322

Exam Extract for regionality and class:

Click here for the extract (watch on You Tube)

Representation of Sexuality

Here is the powerpoint for the representation of sexuality:

Sexuality Representation

Here is the Exam Question - please complete this question for homework and hand in on Mondays lesson with Mr Claydon Period 2 - if you can hand in before this date I will endeavour to mark it as quickly as possible!

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Sexuality G322

Here is the exam extract (start at 2mins 15 seconds)

Click here and watch via You Tube!