Monday, November 29, 2010

Cover work for Thursday 2nd December 2010

Attempt one of the exam questions below, and hand write your answer timing yourself for 45 minutes only. Try one of the exam questions that you think you could improve on, rather than the ones that come easiest to you....

Please attempt at least one of the exam questions below and hand in on MONDAY 6TH DECEMBER 2010 IN MR CLAYDON'S LESSON!!!!

Social Class:

Exam Question for social class:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Class 2 G322

Extract for Social Class:

Exam Question for Age:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Age 2 G322

Exam Extract for Age:

Representation of Gender:

Exam Question on Gender:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Gender G322

Exam Extract on Gender:

Representation of Regionality and Class:

Exam Paper for regionality and class:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Regional Identity 2 G322

Exam Extract for regionality and class:

Click here for the extract (watch on You Tube)

Representation of Sexuality

Here is the powerpoint for the representation of sexuality:

Sexuality Representation

Here is the Exam Question - please complete this question for homework and hand in on Mondays lesson with Mr Claydon Period 2 - if you can hand in before this date I will endeavour to mark it as quickly as possible!

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Sexuality G322

Here is the exam extract (start at 2mins 15 seconds)

Click here and watch via You Tube!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Representation of Regional Identity

Below is the Powerpoint on Regional Identity:

Representation of Regional Identity

The Exam Question:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Regional Identity G322

The Clip for Regional Identity Exam Paper:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Social Class Representation

Here is the Powerpoint on the representation of social class:

Representation of Class

Here is the Exam Question Paper on Class:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Class G322

And here is the Clip to go with the Exam Question:

Watch up to 6 minutes! Analyse the extract incorporating the 4 technical areas: Mise, Sound, Camera Angles and Editing.

Double click to watch on You Tube - without the side cut off!!!

Section B Revision Class bits and pieces!!!

Please find below some Powerpoints used in revision classes. Have a read through!

G322 Distribution

The URL for this Powerpoint is:

Information on Working Title:

UK Film Industry and Working Title

The URL code is:

And A comparison of Avatar compared to Working Title:

Avatar and WT

The URL code for this is:

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cover Work for Thursday 18th November 2010

Read the question paper below:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Age G322

URL for full screen:

Watch the following clip for this question:
You can double click on it to watch it on You Tube.

Please answer this question for ALL four areas - (as if you were answering this in your exam) You can hand write the answer, or word process it - this is YOUR choice - remember in January there will not be any word processors in the exam!!! It will all have to be handwritten then!!!
Hand in your notes and analysis together, to Mr Claydon - during his lesson on Monday 22nd November, or you can email your answer to me at

Please ensure you have signed in to say you have attended the lesson.

Any concerns, e-mail me!!!

Thank you

Miss Peacock

Age Representation

Below you will find the Powerpoint created for the analysis of Age Representation.

Age Representation[1

The URL for it to be viewed on scribd is:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gender Representation

Here is the work we have done in class on gender representation, inclusive of you tube clips of television dramas!

Representation Intro G322

Gender Representation 2

Explore the Representation of Gender in the following television drama extracts:

Rome Extract:

Doctor Who Extract - Exam June 2009:

Primeval Extract - Exam June 2010:

G322 Exam

Here is the Powerpoint on what to expect in the G322 Exam in January!!!

Unit 322, Whats It About