Monday, November 15, 2010

Cover Work for Thursday 18th November 2010

Read the question paper below:

CVHS Practice Paper Representation Age G322

URL for full screen:

Watch the following clip for this question:
You can double click on it to watch it on You Tube.

Please answer this question for ALL four areas - (as if you were answering this in your exam) You can hand write the answer, or word process it - this is YOUR choice - remember in January there will not be any word processors in the exam!!! It will all have to be handwritten then!!!
Hand in your notes and analysis together, to Mr Claydon - during his lesson on Monday 22nd November, or you can email your answer to me at

Please ensure you have signed in to say you have attended the lesson.

Any concerns, e-mail me!!!

Thank you

Miss Peacock

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